storm trooper helmet from cardstock.

yeah, it has been awhile since i'm updating the blog...

"tulah, orang nk blogging, dia pun sibuk jugak nk blogging, lepas tuh malas nk update"

haha, that's the way it was and always be. i've finished my storm trooper in foam that i made earlier, but then, deep inside my head, were thinking, it could be best if i made the storm trooper helmet out of cardstock.

so why not? i aint got all the things but, with my plotter, i cut the papers. it takes 16 pages to cut the whole things.

i'm not planning to wear it, just to get the understanding what the size would be.. it turns out pretty small. i guessed it is wearable by kids.

well then, here's the snap of the papercraft helmet together with the foam helmet of the storm trooper.

forget about the detailing as i'm not intend to  do a close up detailing on the helmet, it just to give a better view and information on how much detailing that i need to put on into the helmet.


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