RC sail boat in progress

before went home with the painting last week, my wife aka, finance minister and my account manager approved my application to buy a 4 channel air-plane...at first i'm at doubt since it is so easy that she's allowing me to bought it, as it wont be easier for me to spend something on my hobby. she will obviously said, that "you have too many hobbies aside from, paintballing, rc cars, games, i'm afraid that you may end up having a shop full with your toys,".. haha

But then again, without hesitation (note: better buy it quick before she changed her mind) i walk my way up to the RC shop in nagoya hill shopping centre here in Batam. after looking around on the plane, i got myself a wing dragon kit. it's a RTF kits, since i'm new to plane. 

so i bring it back to Johor and get it assembled, balanced. and tried it on the next day. unfortunately, due to my lack of experience of flying, i damaged the aileron of the planes and broke a few of the servo horns. fortunate for me, the each part in wing dragon can be bought separately. so i've gone back to the shop to get  it replaced....i guessed i'm not good pilot then *sigh*

in the shop, one thing attract my attention - Balsa woods!..sell in strips and plate type with variety of thickness! hahaha i can make anything out of it...so i've bought a few of the woods and bring it back to my place...i thought to built up with plane, but then choose to build a sailboat  as i'm not fond of flying and not really good in that.

so i've sketch up and draw the plan for my sail boat. this is what i ended up. the boat is based on 15 foot sailboat with strips of balsa as the hull,. i've yet to complete this as there's more needs to be done on the mast, the rudder and so on... so anyway, this is what's looks like, i've actually making a deep transom and it just sitting fine in the water (test it in the bathtub!).. :D


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