Spending Ramadhan in Batam

seriously i'm not good into blogging, but i'll have to do it overhere just to kill my boredom. :)

Ramadhan in Batam is different from my hometown here in Malaysia. Over here, you can't differentiate between muslims or other religious follower as most of them having a similar tanned skin and were not much of a different in personality. 

Unlike in Malaysia, you can actually tells whether the person you met is a muslim or not and but dont take my words seriously as sometime, you may mistakenly think that they were muslims although they are not!. we were not allowed to eat in the public although that there are a few muslims who's claimed to have gastric which forbid them from fasting.

this movie tells you what to be expected if a muslim not fasting during the ramadhan month in Malaysia.

firecracker stuff are considered illegal in Malaysia. as there's an increasing number of silly and stupid kids get into hospital, and some lost there fraction of body component. these people are those who thinks that they were scientist and try to make a bomb out from the firecracker itself. without precaution in mind, there you go, next thing they know, their face are on the news and tabloids telling the idiocratic story of what they have done.  

i miss the 'meriam buluh' (cannon which were made out of bamboo  illegally) where we play it every ramadhan month and trying to compete each other, who's got the loudest sound. this is actually a dangerous games to play with. although with adult supervision, there's always chances that you might get hurt if the bambo crack and exploded. YES, i was one of the stupid boy last time who play this, with the adrenalin rush on your blood you couldn't resist the excitement although you know that was a dangerous game to play.

bamboo cannon is not this big. it somewhere 1/2 ft or less in diameter, depends ! Hmm wonder what will it sound if we fire up.. maybe the whole cops in the town will looks for us then. :)

last but not least, you'll see more and more houses lids the  'pelita' (a tin can filled with kerosene and having a lid on top to light a fire  ) during the last 7 days before the Ramadhan Month ends. It really fascinating as you'll see people start decorating and having those fancy light bulbs and pelita around their house. well, from where i'm living here in Batam, i dont see any house having this around their house, maybe on other district..:)

Zakat - fitrah  (alms for the poor, martyr and new convert) which is a fraction of one's wealth to charity should be pay to the religious representative which you may find them in masjid or shopping mall nowadays. it is one of the 5 pillars in islam and it is expected to be paid by all practising muslim who have the financial means. this year, as the breadwinner of my family, i'll have to pay for me myself and my wife, 

alrite then, till then, i'll share with you the delicacy of the dishes during the Syawal - celebration of Aidilfitri (celebrate after ramadhan month)



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